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Impacts of WOBA for marginalized households in rural Viet Nam. Lessons learnt from the Mid-Term Review of WOBA Viet Nam

This learning note is based on the findings from the mid term review of WOBA Vietnam, to share the k...

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Report of the endline evaluation of Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam

The purpose of the Endline Evaluation is to assess the WOBA project using the OECD Development Assis...

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Report of WOBA Viet Nam latrine and water verification (July 2019 - Oct 2021)

This report presents the results of verification of latrines and water connections completed in the...

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Gender equality and women’s empowerment in WOBA. Lessons learnt from the Mid-term Review of WOBA Viet Nam

This learning note is based on the findings from the mid term review of WOBA Vietnam, to share the k...

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Financial health of private sector piped water businesses in rural Vietnam. Learning note

This paper presents and discusses the results of a survey with Vietnamese private sector piped water...

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Financial health of private sector sanitation businesses in rural Vietnam. Learning note.

This paper presents and discusses the results of a survey with Vietnamese private sector sanitation...

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A rapid review of financial risks for private sector WASH businesses in rural Viet Nam

This paper provides an overview of governance (policy/laws/guidelines) and the institutional (manage...

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Mid-term Review Report: Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam

This report presents and discusses the findings of the mid-term evaluation of WOBA Vietnam. The eval...

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Impact of WOBA on gender and social inclusion for communities in Vietnam’s remote mountainous districts

Households living in remote areas are generally considered to be more disadvantaged in terms of gene...

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Household Demand for Safely managed Sanitation: A Case Study of Two Rural Communes in Cambodia.

This study investigated how rural households in two villages in Kampong Trabek district, Prey Veng p...