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Results-based Funding



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Summary report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of WOBA Cambodia

This report summarises the findings of the mid-term evaluation of WOBA Cambodia. The evaluation asse...

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Report of WOBA Cambodia latrine and water verification (July 2019 – Oct 2021)

This report presents the results of WOBA’s verification of newly built latrines and new piped water...

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A Rapid Review of Financial Risks for Water and Sanitation Businesses in Cambodia

This review of prior studies on financial risks in supply market of WASH products and services was c...

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A review of the OBA payment process in WOBA – A supplement to the Mid-term Review

This report summarises the results of the field work conducted by Mr Len Ang (independent consultant...

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End-line Evaluation Report for Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Cambodia

The evaluation report focuses on all aspects of the project programming, including sanitation, piped...

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OBA and WASH services for marginalized households in rural Viet Nam. Policy implications from the Mid-term Review of WOBA Viet Nam

This policy brief draws on the results of the Mid-term Review of WOBA Vietnam about the success and...

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Impacts of WOBA for marginalized households in rural Viet Nam. Lessons learnt from the Mid-Term Review of WOBA Viet Nam

This learning note is based on the findings from the mid term review of WOBA Vietnam, to share the k...

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Report of the endline evaluation of Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam

The purpose of the Endline Evaluation is to assess the WOBA project using the OECD Development Assis...

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Report of WOBA Viet Nam latrine and water verification (July 2019 - Oct 2021)

This report presents the results of verification of latrines and water connections completed in the...

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Mid-term Review Report: Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam

This report presents and discusses the findings of the mid-term evaluation of WOBA Vietnam. The eval...